Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Research in Natural Resources Research Center of Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Ilam, Organization for Research, Education and Promotion of Agriculture in Ilam, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ilam


to determine the natural establishment pattern of Pistacia atlantica and Acer cineracens regeneration, three stands of Daalaab protected forests, Ilam province, with different topographic conditions during spring and summer of 1395 was investigated. Regeneration establishment positions were included "under the tree", "under the shrub", "under the bush", "next to the rock" and "bare space". In each stand one transect was established in the direction perpendicular to the slope and along it for each regeneration establishment position three replications were selected and for each a 15m2 circular permanent plot was established. In each plot number of seedlings and their heights was measured. The most amount of regeneration for P. atlantica was found in north aspect and height of 1400 meters a. s. l., and for A. cineracens in a north aspect and 1550 meters a. s. l.. The most amount of P. atlantica regeneration was found in under the canopy of Q. persica and P. atlantica trees and the lowest amount of it depending on site conditions was found in under the canopy of A. cineracens trees and next to the rocks, and not found in bare spaces. The most regeneration establishment amount of Q. persica and P. atlantica was found in north side of tree shelter and for P. atlantica at a distance of 1/3 tree crown. The most density of tall seedlings was found at a distances of 2/3 and 3/3 tree crown and the lowest was found at a distance of 1/3 tree crown.


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