Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc student, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Assistant Professor Tarbiat Modares University


In this paper we described variations of plant biodiversity indices in the plant communities of Salaheddinkola forests, Nowshahr. For this purpose, plant species floristically data with some environmental properties have been recorded in 76 plots (400 m2) along two altitudinal gradients (200–2300 m a.s.l.). Five ecological species groups were distinguished by using the results of TWINSPAN which were done based on floristic cover data. The comparison of diversity indices between ecological groups were done by ANOVA test and DCA Analysis. Results showed that biodiversity indices had significant differences between plant communities. The plant communities I and II, which represents Carpinus betulus-Parrotia persica forests and located in lower elevations had the largest values of Simpson’s Diversiry index, shannon’s Diversiry index and Shannon Evenness index. As well as, Simpson Dominance was maximum in the III, IV and V plant communities, which represents the beech forests at the higher altitudinal ranges. Result also showed that there was no clear trend in Richness index’s along the altitudinal gradient. Finally, we concluded that altitude was a basic factor in variations of plant biodiversity indices and distribution of plant communities in this area.


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Abella, S. R. and Covington, W. W. (2006a) Forest ecosystems of an Arizona Pinus
ponderosa landscape: multifactor classification and implications for ecological
restorations. Journal of Biogeography 33: 1368- 1383.
Abella, S. R. and Covington, W. W. (2006b) Vegetation- environment relationships
and ecological species groups of an Arizona Pinus ponderosa landscape, USA.
Plant Ecology 185: 255- 268.
Aubert, M. Alard, D. Bureau F. (2003) Diversity of plant assemblages in managed
temperate forests: a case study in Normandy (France). Forest Ecology and
Management 175: 321-337.
Barbier, S. Gosselin, F. Balandier, P. (2008) Influence of tree species on understory
vegetation diversity and mechanisms involved — A critical review for temperate
and boreal forests. Forest Ecology and Management 254 (1): 1-15.
Barnes, B.V. Zak, D. R. Denton, S. R. and Spurr, S. H. (1998) Forest ecology, John Wiley and Sons. INC., New York. 773 pp.
Barnes, B.V. Pregitzer, K.S. Spies, T.A. Spooner, V.H. (1982) Ecological forest site classification. Journal of Forestry 80: 493-498.
Chawla, A. Rajkumar, S. Singh, K. N. Brij Lal, R. D. S. and Thukral, A. K. (2008) Plant
species diversity along an altitudinal gradient of Bhabha Valley in Western Himalaya.
Journal of Mountain Science 5: 157-177.
Eshaghi Rad, J. Manthey, M. Mataji, A . (2009) Comparison of plant species diversity
with different plant communities in deciduous forests. International Journal
of Environmental Science Technology 6 (3): 389-394.
Eshaghi Rad, J. Manthey, M. Mataji, A. (2009) Comparison of plant species diversity
with different plant communities in deciduous forests. International Journal
of Environmental Science Technology 6 (3): 389- 394.
Fahy, O. Gormally, M. (1998) A comparison of plant and carabid beetle communities
in Irish oak woodland with a nearby conifer plantation and clearfelled site.
Forest Ecolology and Management 110: 263-273.
Grabherr, G. K. Reiter, and Willner, W. (2003) Towards objectivity in vegetation classification: the example of the Austrian forests. Plant Ecology 169: 21 – 34.
Hill, M. O. (1973) Diversity and evenness: a unifying notation and its consequences.
Ecology,54: 427-432.
Hix, D.M. Prearcy, J.N. (1997) Forest ecosystems of the Marietta Unit, Wayne National
Forest, Southeastern Ohio: maltifaction classification and analysis. Canadian
Journal of Forest Research 27: 1117-1131
Hrivnak, R. Gomory, D. Slezak, M. Ujhazy, K. Hedl, R. Jarčuška, B. and Ujhazyova, M.
(2013) Species Richness Pattern along Altitudinal Gradient in Central European
Beech Forests. Folia Geobotanica 1-17.
Jenkins, M.A. Parker, A. (1998) Composition and diversity of woody vegetation in
silvicultural openings of southern Indiana forests. Forest Ecology and Management
Kashian, D. M. Barnes, B. V. and Walker, W. S. (2003) Ecological species groups of landform- level ecosystems dominated by jack pine in northern Lower Michigan,
USA. Plant Ecology 166: 75- 91.
Magurran, A. E. and Magurran, A. E. (1988) Ecological diversity and its measurement
(Vol. 168). Princeton: Princeton university press.179 p.
Mahdavi, P. Akhani, H. and Van der Maarel, E. (2013) Species diversity and life-form
patterns in steppe vegetation along a 3000 m altitudinal gradient in the Alborz
Mountains, Iran. Folia Geobotanica 48(1), 7-22.
May, R. M. (1975) Patterns of species abundance and diversity. In Ecology and Evolution of Communities (ed. M. L. D. Cody, J. M.). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press.
McCune, B, and Mefford, M. J. (1999) PC-ORD, Multivariate Analysis of Ecological
Data, Version 4, MjM Software Design, Glenden Beach, Oregon, USA. 237pp.
McNab, W. H. Browing, S. A. Simon, S. A. and Fouts, P. E. (1999) An unconventional approach
to ecosystem unit classification in western north Carolina, USA. Forest
Ecology and Management, 114: 405- 420.
Muller- Dombois, D. and Ellenberg, H. (2003) Aims and methods of vegetation