Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ms. of Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz Branch

2 Assistant Professor,Department of Fisheries, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz Branch


This experiment was undertaken on Cyprinus carpio (mean body weight 19/000±3/570) to study the effect of Banana peel powder on growth, survival and body composition. Two hundred forty juveniles were randomly distributed into 4 treatments each with three replicates and reared in 135 liter tanks for 2 month. Three experimental treatments were fed with Banana peel powder supplemented diet at three different concentration (5, 10, 15 %) control group were feed with non –supplemented diets. At the end of treatments following growth parameters condition factor, specific growth rate, relative growth rate, weight gain ,length gain, food conversion ratio ,protein efficiency ratio were measured .Chemical properties of fillet including the amount of fat, crude protein, fiber, carbohydrate, ash and moisture were measured before and at the end of treatment. . Results show that there was significant effect on specific growth rate (1.515±0/090)and protein efficiency ratio (0.915±0/010) among fish fed with Banana peel powder supplemented diet at 10% and that of the control(p<0.05). According to the chemical properties, significant difference was observed between all experimental groups and control group (p<0.05). Fish fed with Banana peel powder supplemented diet at 5% had the highest value of fat (2.230±0.111) and carbohydrates (0.830±0.081) between all treatments. The highest value of protein (20.550± 0.065).ash (2.493±0.119) and moisture (0.213±0.011) was recorded for fish that were fed with Banana peel powder supplemented diet at 15%. The survival rate was recorded 100% in all experimental and control treatments.


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