Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor, Department of PlantSciences, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Alzahra University

2 Msc graduated student, Plant Sciences Department Alzahra University


In present study whole plant extract was achieved by maceration for effective components,  evaluation of antioxidant activity and total phenol and flavonoid for six Stellaria species and its close relatives comprising Myosoton aquaticum and Mesostemma kotschyanum (Caryophyllaceae, Alsinoides). Phenolic and flavonoid contents were measured by Foline-ciocalteu and Aluminum chloride methods. Results indicated that there are significant differences between average content of phenolic and flavonoid compounds and antioxidant activity in different species (P< 0.01). Observations showed that total phenolic components of eight studied species are between 1±0.028 to 8.18±0.69mgr. /gr. dry weight and total flavonoid contents between 1±0.026 to 6.7±0.59 mgr./gr. in dry weight. Most inhibitory activity of DPPH free radical was observed in S. alsinoides with IC50 equal to 3 ±0.1 mgr. /ml in dry weight


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