
1 Mazandaran University

2 kharazmi University


The current study concerns biomass estimation of dominant aquatic plant species of four important wetlands in Babol (Mazandaran prov.) namely, Marzoonabad, Bosra, Langoor and Ramenet. 12 plant species belonging to 11 genera and 9 families were surveyed. A total of 131 vegetation plots along seven transects in various wetlands were collected and analyzed by ANOVA tests and DCA ordination. The average biomass of all dominant species in Babol wetlands is 1309.19 gr/m2 of which Phragmites australis and Najas graminea possess the highest and lowest proportions, respectively. Moreover, Typha latifolia and Ceratophyllum demersum with 3029.81 gr/m2 and 330.10 gr/m2 have maximum and minimum dry weight in the studied plots, respectively. In the DCA ordination biplot, species like Ceratophyllum demersum, Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis and Potamogeton pectinatus have remarkable roles in increasing biomass in the studied wetlands. Moreover, ANOVA analyses indicated that except Schoenoplectus lacustris and Potamogeton lucense, other aquatic species demonstrate significant differences among the studied wetlands.
