Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Plant Systematics, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Master's degree in cellular and molecular biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran



In this research, the presence of effective compounds and antibacterial properties of extracts of three species from the Apiaceae family (Zeravschania membranacea, Zeravschania aucheri, and Anthriscus nemorosa) in the protected area of Kosalan in Kurdistan province has been investigated.
In this study methanolic extract of the plant was prepared in different concentrations. Qualitative assessment for secondary metabolites was performed using several pharmacognosy tests from the literature. Evaluation of the antimicrobial property of the studied plants was done by disk diffusion and dilution methods. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) of extracts were determined on Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa using dilution method. Based on qualitative test results, the presence of the highest number of secondary metabolites in Zeravschania aucheri, including tannin, saponin, phenol, glycoside, flavonoid, and phlobatannin. Although the presence of phenol and flavonoid was confirmed in all species, the alkaloid test was positive only in Zeravschania membranacea. The results of the antimicrobial tests showed that the most zone of growth inhibition of bacteria was related to the Zeravschania membranacea extract at a concentration of 400 mg on the Staphylococcus aureus strain (12 mm) and the Zeravschania aucheri extract did not cause sensitivity to the proliferation of all three studied strains at different concentrations. Presence of alkaloid compounds in Zeravschania membranacea could be a reasons for inhibiting the proliferation and growth of bacteria. Also, Zeravschania membranacea extract showed the lowest levels of MIC= 12.5 and MBC= 25 on Staphylococcus strain.


Main Subjects

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