Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduated with a Ph.D, Department of Biology-Plant Physiology, Faculty of Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Biology-Physiology, Faculty of Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Plant Biology-Physiology, Faculty of Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

4 Professor, Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran



Background and purpose: Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. is a perennial plant from the Lamiaceae family, widely distributed in different regions of Iran. This research aimed to investigate the content of some phenolic derivatives (phenolic, flavonoid, flavone & flavonol, ortho-diphenol, and phenolic acid) during the vegetative growth of three populations of Z. clinopodioides belonging to North Khorasan province. Material and methods: For this purpose, the seeds collected from the regions ('Darkesh and Havar', 'Teymourtash', and 'Reine') were planted in pots and harvested at two vegetative growth periods (two and five months). After the sampling, the aerial part and root were separated and the mentioned phenolic derivatives were measured by spectrophotometric methods. Findings: The results showed that the content of phenolic derivatives is significantly affected by the type of population, plant part (aerial part and root), and age (growth stage). Therefore, the aerial part of Z. clinopodioides belonging to 'Darkesh and Havar' population, in the two-month stage, has more phenolic derivatives [total content of phenolics 11.91 mg GAE/g DW, flavonoids 13.55 mg CAT/g DW, flavone & flavonols 5.94 mg QUE/g DW, ortho-diphenols 2.95 mg GAE/g DW, and phenolic acids 2.44 mg CAE/g DW] than the five-month stage. Conclusion: In general, apart from the aerial part and the root, 'Darkesh and Haver' and 'Teymourtash' populations were reported as the selected population in terms of higher phenolic derivative contents in both vegetative growth stages. These results will help to select superior populations with higher content of metabolites and optimal use in food and pharmaceutical industries.


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