Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Plant Breeding, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Technical Engineering, Payam-Noor University, Tehran-Iran.

2 Master's student in Plant Breeding, Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu Ali Sina University.

3 Associate Professor of Plant Breeding, Department of Production Engineering and Plant Genetics, Boali-Sina University, Hamadan-Iran.



Background and purpose: cultivated alfalfa, which is known as green gold, is one of the best and most suitable fodder plants known in the world. Leaf weevil pest of alfalfa is considered as one of the limiting stresses in alfalfa production in the conditions of Iran. Material and Methods: In order to group pest tolerance in cultivated alfalfa, the traits of 30 alfalfa genotypes in the germplasm were evaluated in the training farm of Bu-ali Sina University. Findings: The interaction between the varieties and the levels of pest attack showed significant differences in relation to weevil number, fresh forage yield, dry forage yield, plant height at the time of harvesting at1% and the amount of damage at 5% probability. The number of larva had significant positive correlation at a level of 5% with damage amounts. In stepwise regression, damage percent as dependent and other traits as independent variables were used. The results showed that larvae number, leaf chlorophyll extent and plant height with 30/01 cumulative coefficient explained the most variations of damage percent. Conclusion: Considering to the percent of damage and the average comparison for other traits, Yazdi35 and Maoopa102 with the least number of larvae and the least percent of damage respectively and the highest height in attack or damage time as the most tolerance and cultivars Tak Buteh92 and MahalieMiandoab with the most larval number, damage percent and the lowest plant height were recognized as the most susceptible cultivars towards alfalfa weevil attack at damage time too.


Main Subjects

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