Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D student of Aquatic Fisheries Ecology, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran.

2 Associate professor, department of fisheries University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

3 Associate Professor, department of fisheries, university of Tehran, Karaj, Iran


Intrudaction: This work was conducted to study the morphological variation of longspine scraper (Capoeta trutta) in seven populations in the Iranina sub-basins of the Persian Gulf basin, including Sirvan, Little Zab, Karun, Karkheh, Zemkan, Godarkhosh and Zohreh.

Methods: For this purpose, 161 specimens were sampled using cast-net and electrofishing device. To extract morphological data in the geometric morphometric method, photographs were taken from the left side of fish, and then 18 landmark-points were digitized on their 2D images.

Results and Discussion: The results of Canonical Variate Analysis showed that Godarkhosh and Little Zab populations are separated from others. Based on the results of Mahalanobis distances between the studied populations, the maximum and minimum distances were between Tang-shive and Godarkhosh populations and Sirvan and Zemkan populations, respectively. Based on the Cluster analysis, the populations of Karkheh, Karun, Sirvan, Zemkan and Tang-shive were clustered together and Godarkhosh and Little Zab in another one. The results also showed the phenotypic plasticity of this species in adapting to different habitats in traits including depth of head, trunk and tail as well as head length, based on habitat conditions.


Main Subjects

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