Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

2 Master, Kerman Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Kerman, Iran

3 Former PhD students in Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture. Tabriz University. East Azarbaijan. iran


The use of chemical compounds to increase and maintain vegetative and reproductive growth in horticultural products has become common. Humic acid is an organic substance that stimulates growth due to the release of nutrients. In this study, the effect of humic acid with concentrations of 50 and 100 mg/L in two stages 30 and 45 days after flowering, were sprayed on pistachio trees of Akbari cultivar. Then, characteristics such as leaf area, chlorophyll index, branch length and diameter of the current year, percentage of hollow, split rate, percentage of deformed fruits, fruit weight, cluster weight and number of fruits per cluster, and yield were studied. The results showed that the highest leaf area, length and branch diameter were related to pistachio trees with 100 mg /L humic acid in 30 days after full flowering stage. The lowest percentage of hollow was observed in fruits treated with humic acid 50 mg /L. The highest cluster weight and number of fruits per cluster was observed in trees treated with humic acid 100 mg /L. The highest cluster weight and number of fruits per cluster was observed in trees treated with humic acid 100 mg /L. Increased yield and fruit weight in both treatments were observed with increasing humic acid concentration up to 100 mg/L. The percentage of deformed fruits in control fruits increased in both stages of foliar application compared to fruits treated with humic acid.


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