Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student, Fisheries Department, Marine Sciences Faculty, Chabahar Maritime University, Iran.

2 Associate Prof., Fisheries Department, Marine Sciences Faculty, Chabahar Maritime University, Iran.


Nowadays, due to the advancement of technology, understanding the medicinal applications of seaweed products is an important issue. For this purpose, antioxidant activity of different organic extracts from Chaetomorpha antennina green algae of Oman Sea was investigated. Methanol, chloroform, hexane and dichloromethane used for extraction and diphenyl phiceryl hydrazyl free radical (DPPH) scavenging, iron ion chelation and reduction power were used to investigate antioxidant properties. The results showed that the highest antioxidant capacity based on DPPH test was related to hexane and methanolic extract (85.72±1.69 and 85.42±5.59%), in chelating activity test, methanolic extract (32.54±2.89%) and in reduction power test methanolic extract (0.254 ±0.01ʎ) had the maximum amount. Therefore, the present study showed the very good antioxidant effects of methanolic and dichloromethane compounds extracted from Chaetomorpha antennina green algae at a concentration of 1 mg/ml.


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