Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of biology, university of mazandaran

2 student

3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Sari University of Medical Sciences


Euphorbia helioscopia L. is one of the important medicinal plants used in traditional medicine all over the world. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of ecological and edaphic factors on the active ingredients of this plant. For this purpose, the Euphorbia plant was collected from 3 different altitudes (1861, 949 and 236 m) with 3 replications. The extract was then prepared using acidic methanol and its phenol content was calculated according to the standard curve of gallic acid and flavonoid based on the quercetin curve. Its antioxidant activity was also investigated in 3 methods of DPPH, nitric oxide and reducing power. This study has clearly shown that the biological activity of the extract depends on the amount of phenol and its flavonoids. The results of this study show that Euphorbia plant in Challufe region has the best antioxidant activity in the nitric oxide test and at the highest concentration (800 μg/ml) compared to the other two regions. Our results also showed that the ability of the extracts of Euphorbia in the three studied areas to inhibit nitric oxide free radicals was concentration dependent and increased with increasing concentration of their anti-radical activity. The results of this study showed that the species of Euphorbia had a high total phenol and flavonoid content and antioxidant activity. Which can be used as a medicinal plant species.
