Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Biology, Women’s University of Semnan (Farzanegan),Semnan, Iran .


Gypsophila mucronifolia Rech. is an endemic plant species of Caryophyllaceae that It has been reported from gypsum deserts around Semnan, Iran. A few reports have been made on the distribution of G. mucronifolia in relation to its descriptive compromise characteristics with soil and altitude factors. Ecological studies of G.mucronifolia were performed for the first time. This species grows at altitudes of 1500 to 1800 meters from sea level, often on the northern slopes. Using Canoco for windows 4.5 software and statistical analyzes of RDA, the effect of environmental factors on the distribution of G.mucronifolia was determined. Elevation and gypsum contents showed positive correlation and content of CaCO3 and Na negative correlation with occurrence and growth of G. mucronifolia. The leaf surface with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) has studied that show glandular hairs on stem and leaves it there, but did not observe on the calyx. Leaf cells of G. mucronifolia are filled with druse crystals.


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