Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor.department horticulture, arak university

2 Msc.department horticulture, arak university

3 Assistant Professor.Department of Horticulture, Arak University


Phytoremediation as a cost-effective and environmental friendly technique used to polluted soils with heavy metals contamination. The present study was aimed to evaluate the resistance and remediation of Tamarix aphylla calli affected by in vitro mutagenesis with. In the first step, optimization of callus induction and mutation in media with different concentrations of -2,4 was performed. The third experiments involved the evaluating of resistance and remeditaion rate of callus to cadmium at the concentrations of 0-40 mg L-1 in both treated and untreated explants with Ethyl methanesulfonate in medium. The highest survival and induction of callus was induced by the concentration of 1 mg L-1 2,4-D during the short time. Ethyl methanesulfonate at concentration of 0.2 percentage and 30 minutes made the maximum survival and minimum blacking phenomenon of explants. The highest accumulation of cadmium was obtained 1053.56 mg kg-1 dry weight in callus treated by 40 mg L-1 cadmium.


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