Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor Payam Noor University, Department of Agricultural Engineering (Plant Breeding and Genetics)


Spotted alfalfa aphid (Therioaphis trifolii) is an important pest of alfalfa. For study of proteome response to that aphid feeds, leaf sampling was made of alfalfa (Hamadani genotype) under treatment and control conditions. Leaf tissue proteome analysis identified 208 protein spots detectable in staining by Coomassie blue. Of these, according to t- test, 16 spots were significantly different at 1% (P≤ 0.01). The protein spots with significant expression changes, were searched by isoelectric point and molecular weight in databases and identified responsive possible proteins to pest stress conditions. Classification of identified proteins based on functional groups, showed that the highest of proteins change have been expressed in relation to stress, including protein disulfide isomerase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, heat shock proteins, polyphenol oxidase and proxiredoxins. The results revealed the activity of alfalfa at the level of protein expression to develop resistance to pest aphid spotted.


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