Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Yasuj University

2 M.Sc., Yasuj University


Damping-off is an important disease of cucumber in Iran. Greenhouses cucumber production were visited in south-west Iran, and sampled from infected seedlings. The pathogens were isolated and were known as Phytophthora capsici and Phytophthora megasperma. One hyper-virulent isolate of each pathogen was selected from nine isolates after the pathogenesis test, and were subjected to hyper-parasitism and dual-culture tests against 20 Iranian isolates of Trcihoderma harzianum. All isolates of this fungus had the potential for hyper-parasites and inhibition of colony growth of of the pathogens. Then the ability of five superior T. harzianum was tested in controlling the disease caused by the hyper-virulent isolates of the pathogens in greenhouse. All these isolates of T. harzianum were able to significantly reduce the disease severity. The efficacy of Iranian isolates
T. harzianum in the biological control of this disease is reported for the first time.


Main Subjects

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