Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon Branch of Iran


Occurrence Rate Determination of Candidian Denture Stomatitis in Patients of Dentistry Centers and Survey Susceptibility Them to Antifungal Agents
Hashemi Karoei Seyed Masoud1*
Department of Microbiology, tonekabon Branch Islamic Azad University, Iran
The presence or entry of Candida yeast to the oral cavity with underlying conditions plays an essential role in the creation Denture stomatitis. Different types of Candida especially C. albicans able to create Denture stomatitis that shows different reacts to antifungal drugs. The aim of this study was determination of Candidian denture stomatitis and sensitive of them to antifungal drugs that was performed with laboratory tests and gel diffusion method. In this research Candida yeast isolated and identified in 20 samples (%46.51) of 43 samples of Denture stomatitis that were 13 cases (65%) C. albicans, 4 cases (20%) C.kerosei, 1 cases (5%) C.tropicalis and 2 cases (10%) other Candida. By comparing the average diameter of growth inhibition zoon of Candida according to kind of antifungal drug by Duncan test it was found that with P v < 0.001 Terbinafine with growth inhibition zoon Equal to 43.15 ± 4.52 and Griseofulvin with growth inhibition zoon Equal to 8.25 ± 6.40 had highest and the lowest effect respectively.
Key word: Occurrence Rate, Candidian Denture Stomatitis, Dentistry Centers, Antifungal Agents


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