Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Fisheries, Ahvaz Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran


Three hundred sixty juveniles were randomly distributed into 4 treatments each with three replicates and reared in 300 liter tanks for 2 month. Three experimental treatments were fed with stevia supplemented diet at different concentration (100, 2000 and 3000 ppm) and and control group were feed with non –supplemented diets . At the end of treatments following growth parameters: condition factor, specific growth rate, relative growth rate, weight gain, length gain, food conversion ratio ,protein efficiency ratio were measured . Chemical properties of fillet including the amount of fat, crude protein, fiber, carbohydrate, ash and moisture were measured before and at the end of treatment. Results show that there was significant effect on all studied parameters such as weight gain(21.15±3.775 g) relative growth rate(0.211±0.037%),specific growth rate(1.540±0.182%) among fish fed with stevia supplemented diet at 2000 ppm and that of the control(p<0.05). According to the chemical properties, significant difference was observed between all experimental groups and control group(p<0.05). Results show that there was no significant effect on the amount of ash among fish fed with stevia supplemented foods and that of the control (p>0.05). Based on the results of this study, incorporating stevia extract at concentration of 2000ppm had a significant effect on enhancing growth parameters and chemical properties of common carp.


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