Document Type : Research Paper


Member of Young and Elite Researchers Club of Sanandaj Branch of Sanandaj Branch of Iran


Endophytic bacteria are able to control plant pathogens by producing antagonistic compounds. This research was conducted to determine antagonistic ability of bacterial endophytes in egg plant (Solanum melongena L.). In this research endophytic bacteria were isolated from root of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). Strains were surveyed for siderophore, Hydrogen cyanide and protease tests. 5 isolates were selected for genetic assay. After genomic DNA extraction, 16S rDNA gene was amplified using PCR for precisely bacterial identification. Then, the PCR product was sequenced by BLAST All isolated bacteria were able to produce protease. Only one strain (eg5) was able to produce cyanide hydrogen. The siderophore test was positive for two strains (eg2 and eg4). Based on the 16S rDNA sequence studies, this bacterium belonged to Bacillus endophyticus and indicated 100% similarity to type strain. The endophytic bacteria isolated in this study can be used to promote plant growth. Knowledge about endophytic bacteria- plant interaction can provide effective strategy to develop sustainable agriculture in order to ensure yield improvement without affecting environment.


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