Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc. Graduated Student of Microbiology of Alzahra University

2 Associate Professor of Microbiology of Alzahra University

3 Professor of Microbiology at Alzahra University

4 Assistant Professor of Animal Science of Alzahra University


In this study colorimetric medium, which has been developed at Alzahra University, was compared with Quicolor (Salubris Co, USA) and Muller Hinton agar media. Antibacterial susceptibility patterns of 100 isolates of Enterobacteriaceae against 6 different antibiotics were determined by using disk diffusion method. The agreement of these methods was defined by kappa analysis. Coefficient of variation (CV) was calculated by repeating antibacterial susceptibility test for 10 times using 2 standard strains and 2 clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae on three medium noted above. Kappa value was higher than 0.5 for all cases indicating a good or an excellent agreement of 3 media. ( CV) values were less than 0.05 in majority of cases showing a good reproducibility of testing media. According to the results of this study colorimetric medium can be used for rapid antibacterial susceptibility testing of Enterobacteriaceae.In terms of ease of functional and performance of this medium is similsr to foriegn and standard media.


بلندقامت پور، ز.، سلمانزاده اهرابی، س.، عبدی، ع.، ) 1392 (طراحی وارزیابی محیط های کلریمتریک جهت سنجش سریع حساسیت آنتی بیوتیکی در خانواده انتروباکتریاسه
و باکتری های غیر تخمیری، مجله زیست شناسی کاربردی الزهراء: دوره 62 ، شماره 5، 1-8 .
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