Document Type : Research Paper


1 -M Sc, Dep. for Biotechnology, Faculty of Biotechnology, Semnan University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Basic Sciences Campus, Semnan University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Campus of Science and Technology, Semnan University


Halophile and halotolerant microorganisms produce bio-active molecules under environmental stresses. The microorganisms play a role in bio-remediation of heavy metals including nickel; the most important water pollutant in urbans. Here studying of nickel resistant microorganisms from salt lake of Haj Ali Gholi Khan for their potential in bio-active molecules producing based on PKS genes variations is aimed. Chemical analyses using atomic absorption method for soil and water of the lake were done. The microorganisms isolated from MGM, MH and SWN culture media with 23, 10 and 2 % salt. The isolates were screened for nickel resistant’s followed by analyzing for presence of PKS genes using gene specific internal primers. Fifty, 22 and 21 microorganisms were isolated from SWN, MH and MGM medium respectively. 65% of the isolates were nickel resistant those carry the potential to synthesize bio-active compounds. These organisms because of their abilities in bio- remediation and also synthesizing bio molecules can be used in biotechnology.


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