Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Biology, Ashtian branch ,Islamic Azad University , Ashtian, Iran

2 Department of Biology, Qom branch, Islamic Azad University ,Qom, Iran

3 Department of Biology, Ashtian branch, Islamic Azad University , Ashtian, Iran


Purpose of this study is determine the effect of cadmium on some oxidative stress factors
in Brassica oleracea l. cv. saccata in a random pattern & repeated 3 times. in order to control
experimental conditions the same as the inhibitory effects of the other factors such as soil
nutrition factors the hydroponic growth culture was used.
The root and shoot samples picked up in 14th day after treatment with different cadmium
concentration (0.5, 5) and used it for determination of biochemical and morphological parameters.
The activity of Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO), catalase
(CAT) and malondialdehyde in aerobiosis bodies and roots and also the content of Anthocyanin
and chlorophyll a and b in shoots were measured.
The results showed the activity of SOD in some aerobiosis bodies in 5 and 0.5 concentration
of cadmium & also CAT enzyme activity in aerobiosis bodies with 5 concentration and in
roots with 5 cadmium concentration has increased.
The cadmium treatment have showed that PPO increased in 5 cadmium con. and also the
decreased in 0.5 cadmium con., significantly, in aerobiosis bodies.
The amount of Malondialdehyde as an index of proxidation membrance lipids has been
decreased significantly in 0.5 con. in shoots. In caring plants with cadmium, Anthocyanin
has decreased, significantly. The amount of a & b chlorophylls decreased in 5 concentration.
Thus, the obtained results in this study have showed that cadmium has a positive effect
on some antioxidant system parameters of the plant in the oxidative stress conditions &
regarding that in the most cadmium have never seen any significant root in the data, we
can conclude the cadmium conducts from the root to shoot.


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