Document Type : Research Paper



Moderately halophilic bacteria constitute a heterogeneous physiological group of microorganisms and able to grow in extensive rang of sodium chloride salt. These bacteria accumulate high concentration of compatible solutes to cope with the osmotic stress.
For isolation of moderately halophilic bacteria environmental samples were collected from the Persian Gulf and various sites of a tannery factory. Samples were enriched in selective media for halophils, and bacteria were cultured with streak plate method. For investigation effect of various concentrations of NaCl salt and presence of various salts on their growth, microtitre plate method was used. In this investigation, 8 bacteria from of different parts tannery factory and 8 bacteria from the Persian Gulf were isolated. Phenotypic and biotipic studies were accomplished on these bacteria.
In investigation on situation of halophili on isolated bacteria, 10 samples were halophile. Studies determined that morphology and Gram-Reaction affected on halophili and growth of isolated bacteria. Results indicated that their growth districted in presence of various salts and improved by another salts.


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