Document Type : Research Paper



In order to reduce the inhibitory phenomena of the produced lactic acid CaCO3, NaOH and in situ extractive fermentation system.were used
Meanwhile by optimumization of the used culture medium and cell immobilized system and by changing some parameters such as  gel/medium ratio, bead size، weight of initial dry cell to provide high productivity. as a result , the maximum productivity was 3.75 g L-1h-1 in 2/5 = gel/medium، 3×3×1 mm3 and the weight of initial dry cell was 24.47g L-1 the matrix of agar, alginic acid  and Na alginate were studied in respect of stability that owing to compound culture medium and strain, the agar matrix showed higher stability (20 days)
The effect of different diluents was studied in respect of exertion of general toxicity and toxicity in molecular level on strain . Also the distribution coefficient and extraction percentage of diluents along with trioctylamine (15%v/v) and the effect of amine increase with diluents decanole were studied.
Since decanol Lacked toxicity on molecular level and solvent 15% v/v ،trioctylamine plus decanol owing to lower molecular toxicity and the percentage of extraction was relativity good and the solvent was recognized suitable in the cells immobilized and in situ extractive fermentation system.
The back extraction of lactic acid was carried out by NaOH and HCl. by NaOH about 99.276% lactic acid and by HCl about 60% of Lactic acid was recovered.
