Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of Urmia University / Artemia Institute of Aquatic Animals

2 Artemia Institute of Aquatic Animals, Urmia University


In this research biometrical characteristics of Artemia urmiana, Artemia sinica and parthenogenetic Artemia were studied under laboratory conditions (salinity: 70 ppt, temp.: 24±2°C and DO: 4±0.5 ppm). For this purpose, two gram cysts from each population were hatched and 400 newly hatched nauplii (in 4 replicates) transferred to 1.5 liter cylindro-conical containers containing 70 pptbrine water. Artemia were fed on unicellular algae, Dunaliella tertiolecta and coated yeast, Lansy PZ until adulthood. 32 pairs of adult bisexual Artemia and 32 adult parthenogenetic females from either population were randomly selected and biometric and meristic characters such as total length, length of furca, number of setae on furca and uterus length and width (in females) were recorded. Biometric and meristic characters measured with projection Stereomicroscope. Data were analysed using SPSS (ANOVA and Duncan tests). Results of this research showed that total length and abdomen length in A. urmiana was significantly longer compared to other populations (p<0.05). Length of furca and number of setae on both furca were significantly lower in A. urmiana compared to other species, while no significant differences were observed between A. sinica and parthenogenetic Artemia.


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