Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor / Payame Noor University of Hamedan


Different genetic plant materials, are valuable as potential reserves and the basis for plant breeding of specialists. The study of seed storage proteins, due to they have been less affected by environment and provide reliable information from genome genetic diversity of beans. In the present study, was conducted seed storage protein profiles of 12 phaseolus vulgaris genotypes based on laemmeli method using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis systems (SDS-PAGE) in a 12.5 percent. Investigation the bands by use software NTSYS showed considerable differences. Minimum and maximum number of bands, was belong to genotype 11 (Shokofa) and genotype 12 (DF1083), respectively. Cophenetic coefficient was calculated to test the goodness of fit for cluster analysis with qualitative data that 0.89 is the appropriate fit is cluster analysis with qualitative data. Chart analysis of the main axes of the seed storage protein beans, cluster analysis, and compliance was approved five cluster. Thus according to genetic distances between the genotypes, we can use cross between Ks21193 and Shokofa for obtain the highest amount of heterosis in future breeding program. The highest and lowest amount of total protein, was associated with genotypes Dorsa and Shokofa, respectively.


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