Document Type : Research Paper



This study was carried out during 2011 and 2012 on randomized complete bloke design (RCBD) in triplicate with the aim to assess the effect of pollen of A230, Shahrood12 and Tuono on seed germination rate and some of the changes the inner material of seed of A-200 cultivar (mother parent) such as the amino acid, protein, soluble sugar and fatty acids in Steps of before and after germination. The overall results of this study showed that the effect of pollen of A230, Shahrood12 and Tuono on inner material of seeds of A-200 cultivar was significant. The maximum amount of soluble sugars in seed of A-200 from the hybridizing of A230 before germination (29.77%) was observed while the minimum amount of soluble sugars in seed of A-200 from the hybridizing of Shahrood 12 after germination (14.94%) was obtained. Also the maximum amount of total protein in the seeds of A-200 from crossing with of A-230 was observed while the minimum amount of total protein in seed of A-200 from the hybridizing of touno after germination was obtained. Check the resulting of fatty acids levels in seed of A-200 from the hybridizing of A-230, Shahrood 12 and Touno, showed that showed that the effect of pollinizers on fatty acids of seeds of A-200 cultivar was significant. So that, the most and lowest of the fatty acids (methyl oliat) with 74.74% and 71.79% correspond to Touno and A-230respectively. As well as, in this study, it was found that the effect of pollen on the amount of amino acids in seed of A200 from the hybridizing of A-230, Shahrood 12 and Touno, the before and after germination was significant difference. So that, the most and lowest of the Aspartic acid with 0.570% (before germination) and 0.136% (after germination) was correspond to Shahrood 12 and Shahrood 12 respectively.


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