Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc. Department of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Brological Sciences, University of Alzahra, Faculty of biology

2 Assistant professor, Department of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Brological Sciences, University of Alzahra, Faculty of biology


Saffron (Crocus sativus L.), a member of Iridaceae family, is valuable in pharmacies and food industries. Salinity is one of the growth limiting factors in saffron. Nano silver has many effects on plants ethylene receptors, chlorophylase activity and DNA, also reduces the stress effects in plants. The effects of nano silver (40 ppm) and salinity stress (100 mM NaCl) on physiological and biochemical properties of saffron corm with compare control (distilled water) were studied under greenhouse condition. The results showed that the number of fiber roots and Proline content in salinity stress plus nano silver and salinity without nano silver were increased but solute carbohydrate content was significantly decreased at level (P<0.05), compare to control. Length of root and carotenoids content in nano silver plus salinity treatment were decreased but dry weight of daughter corms were significantly increased compare with control at level (P<0.05). The results obtained from present study showed that nano silver increased plant defense against salinity stress.


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