Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Ecology, Department of Biology, Basic Faculty, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.

2 MSc Student of Biology, Department of Biology, Basic Faculty, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculity of Pharmacy, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran.


Algae are important aspects that can be extremely numerous applications in pharmaceutical, food, agricultural, medical uses and also used in wastewater treatment. In this study total phenolic and flavonoid contents of two types of green algae was performed by spectrophotometic and high performance liquid chromatography methods. In this study, Cladophora glomerata was collected from Caspian coast and estuaries of the Babolrood river and Spirogyra rivularis were collected from a pond adjacent rice paddies and livestock. Then extracted with acidified methanol produced a total phenolic compounds spectrophotometric method and HPLC method was used for the analysis of flavonoids in plants. Study of methanol extracts of four different regions of Cladophora and Spirogyra showed the greatest amount of phenolic compounds gallic acid according to Spirogyra algae in ponds and rice fields most of the flavonoid quercetin in terms of Cladophora algae in the estuary. According to the standard chromatogram retention time gallic acid (2.383), coumaric acid (3.817) and quercetin (7.217) was observed. So most of the time to prevent the inhibition of quercetin and gallic acid is less time. The two types of green algae rich in phenolic compounds and also have high antioxidant property so it can be used as a plant source of antioxidant compounds that can be used in food and pharmaceutical industries.


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