Document Type : Research Paper



Goat fishes are marine fish that live in shallow water and they have distributed through the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. They have useful unsaturated fatty acids. There are many document about classification and ecological study but we didn`t find any paper on fatty acid profile. In this research goat fishes catched from Mahshahr fishery port in two seasons autumn and spring by local fisherman by gillnet. Thirty fishes were chosen accidently and kept them in ice and transferring to the laboratory. The amount of their fatty acids was measured with GC_FDI instrument and two important indices (IT and IA) were calculated. The results were compared by one way Variance analysis and a test called (Tocky and Doncken). Differences between two season (spring and autumn)'s fatty acids were significant. And the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in autumn was more than spring. 


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