

  The genus Tulipa (Liliaceae) is distributed through Europe, Asia and North Africa. 100 species are consider ed in this genus, 1 9 species from Iran.   As t here are some ambiguity in determination and delimitation of the Tulipa species , the , pollen morphology of the species were studied to be used in their definition.   15 native taxa of the Tulipa belonging to subgenera Eriostemones and Tulipa were studied using Light and Scanning electron microscopy . Pollen grains collected from herbarium specimens in Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands (TARI) and herbarium of pests and disease institute (IRAN) , were acetolysed and prepared for light and scanning electron microscopy.   The pollen s w ere mono colpate or three aperturate. Exine in species belonging to subgenus Eriostemones were rugulate-stri a te . In subgenus Tulipa five types of ornamentation were recognized.   Differences observed in pollen characters are in agreement with the division of the Tulipa into two subgenus Eriostemones and Tulipa. Palynological characters can be used, helping in dividing of Tulipa into subgenera and sections.
