

  Introduction: Free radicals leading to oxidative stress are involved in chronic diseases as cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes and also aging. Antioxidants are the best way to Combating free radicals and the plants offer a wide range of natural antioxidants. Objective: This study was performed to evaluate of antioxidant activity of extracts of Humulus lupulus , Cynara Scolymus and Kelussia odoratissima that were prepared with soaked and soxhelet method.   Methods: After extraction, total phenolic and flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity were estimated. Antioxidant activity is assayed using phosphomolybdenum method and was expressed as the number of equivalents of ascorbic acid and Quercetin .   Results: Based on the results, t he relative order of plants according to amount of flavonoid and polyphenol contents is Humulus lupulus - Cynara Scolymus - Kelussia odoratissima and for antioxidant activity is Humulus lupulus - Kelussia odoratissima - Cynara Scolymus. Also, the results show that in Cynara Scolymus and Kelussia odoratissima , soaked method is more effective than soxhelet method whereas in Humulus lupulus, soxhelet is more effective than soaked method.   Conclusion: The results suggest that flavonoid and polyphenol contents aren’t the only factors influencing antioxidant activity. Also, for more appropriate extraction of antioxidant components, determination type of extraction method is dependent on type of plant.  
