
Al-Zahra University


Considering the importance of rapid determination of antibacterial susceptibility of bacteria, isolated from infectious diseases for the selection of appropriate therapy as soon as possible and increasing the success of therapy, decreasing unnecessary use of antibacterial agents and side-effects, and lowers the overall healthcare costs.We have designed and evaluated a rapid antibacterial susceptibility medium which is based on a rapid colorimetric medium that indicates growth by changing its color.
In this study, we have assessed antibacterial susceptibility patterns of non-fermentative bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae isolated from clinical samples by rapid colorimetric medium according to standard CLSI method.
Colorimetric medium proved to be a reliable rapid test for determining antibacterial susceptibility testing, between two methods total agreement was 92.93% for Entrobacteriacea and 90.46% for non-fermentative bacteria. Major discrepancy was 3.28 % for non-fermentative bacteria and 3.52% for Enterobacreiacea. Colorimetric medium makes results available between 68- hours. It can be considered as a novel and reliable quick method for the assessing of bacterial susceptibility to antibiotics.
