

The aim of this study is
investigation of survival, vegetative characteristics and biomass allocation in
seedlings of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) grown in different water
regimes. For this purpose, seedlings of ash were examined in a completely randomized design for 120
days in an open area of bottomland forest at two levels of soil moisture
regimes (permanent flooding, periodic flooding with a rotation period of 15
days) and control level. At the end of the experiment, flooding decreased
survival, vegetative characteristics, biomass allocation and vitality of ash
seedlings. This reduction in permanent
flooding was more than at the periodic flooding. In contrast, diameter growth
response in periodic flooding was greater than permanent flooding and control
level. The reason of this phenomenon can be attributed to the development of
woody xylem cells. In periodic flooding, compared to
permanent flooding, because of greater production of adventitious root and soil
drainage, access of oxygen required for metabolism was easier and
Photosynthetic organs of the plant (leaf area) and leaf biomass prominently
increased. Overall,
the results showed that F. excelsior was tolerant to flooding and can be used
for restoration of bottomland forest, riparian area, lagoons and plains
exposure to periodic flooding
