Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master's student, Department of Biotechnology, Research Institute of Advanced Science and Technology and Environmental Sciences, Post Graduate University of Industrial and Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Cell-Molecular Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Kausar University, Bojnord, Iran.)

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Research Institute of Advanced Science and Technology and Environmental Sciences, Postgraduate University of Industrial and Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Non-Communicable Diseases Research Center, Bam University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Bam, Iran


Introduction: Lepidium draba peroxidase (LDP) belonging to the class III plant peroxidases that its amino acid sequence shows over 90% similarity with horseradish peroxidase (HRP).

Methods: In this study, after expression and purification of LDP, its immobilization conditions were optimized on the Zinc metal-organic framework (Zn-MOF) using glutaraldehyde as a cross-linking agent for firm binding. Then physicochemical properties, kinetic parameters and stability of the immobilized enzyme were compared with the free one.

Results and discussion: The best conditions for enzyme immobilization with 67% yield were optimized at concentration of 0.02 g of Zn-MOF, 0.75mg/ml and 1.2 dM of glutaraldehyde, after 3h incubation. The results showed that the specific activity of the immobilized enzyme increased more than doubled that of free enzyme and its Km was reduced by 49% compared to the free one for TMB substrate. Also its kinetic stability reduced against pH and temperature in compared to the free enzyme.


Main Subjects

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