Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSC.Biology Department,, Faculty of Bioscience, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University. Tehran Iran

2 Assistant Professor , Biology Department,, Faculty of Bioscience, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University. Tehran Iran

3 Associate Professor, Biology Department,, Faculty of Bioscience, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University. Tehran Iran

4 Professor, Biology Department,, Faculty of Bioscience, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University. Tehran, Iran

5 Professor, National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology


Phosphate fixation by chemical fertilizers, in addition to being costly, carries environmental risks. Today, fertile phosphate biofertilizer 2 contains two types of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, decomposes insoluble phosphorus compounds and thus absorbable for the plant. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of fertile biofertilizers 2 Pseudomounas putida (Strain P13) and Pantoea aggilomerans (Strain P5) (only once at the beginning of the growing season) and potassium phosphate in three concentrations (0, 1.2 mM, 5 mM) (Until the end of the growing season,once a week with irrigation) on some developmental characteristics of Arabidopsis thaliana in greenhouse conditions, 15 hours of light, temperature 25 ° C, light intensity of 6000 lux was done in a randomized design. After cell-histology, slides were observed under a light microscope. The results showed a significant reduction in wood vascular density in the stems of plants treated with 5 mM and 1.2 mM potassium phosphate compared to the other two treatments. Also, 5 mM potassium phosphate increased the tunica layers and the special wall thickness of the tetrads. Cell proliferation of ovule primordium, pre-embryo, and suspensor was observed in plants treated with biofertilizer and 5 mM phosphate. Treatment with biofertilizer showed the highest average number of seeds produced. The application of fertile biofertilizer 2 in this experiment, with effects similar to potassium phosphate, increased the quantitative and qualitative yield of Arabidopsis. Biofertilizer can be effective as a safe alternative to increase soil productivity and plant growth in sustainable agriculture and minimize environmental pollution.


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