Document Type : Research Paper


1 Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran

2 Instructor, Department of Biology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Cadmium is a heavy metal and its high concentration has a high toxicity to plants and animals. Identification of Cd tolerant plants such as soybean, one of the most important oilseed crops, has a great importance. In this research, the effect of cadmium treatment (0, 200, 400μM) on growth of root, shoot, malondialdehyde (MDA), total phenol, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), chlorophyll a and anthocyanin contents, phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity were reported in three varieties of soybean plant (Telar, DPX, Caspian). The results showed that Cd reduced root and shoot growth, chlorophyll a content in Telar, DPX, Caspian that this reduction was more significant in Telar. Significant increase in total phenolics, anthocyanin contents and PAL activity of three varieties of soybean were also detected during Cd treatment.The highest content of phenol was observed at 400 μM cadmium concentration in Caspian and DPX varieties, but the highest content of anthocyanin was observed at 400 μm cadmium concentration in Telar, Caspian and DPX varieties. H2O2 content of Telar, DPX, Caspian varieties was increased by 16%, 7%, 9% for 400µM concentration of Cd compared to 200µM, respectively.The content of MDA in all three varieties was significantly increased in 400µM concentration of Cd treatment compared to control. The highest content of MDA was observed at 400 μm concentration in Telar variety. The results of this study indicated that Telar variety was more sensitive to cadmium stress in comparison with Caspian and DPX varieties. In other words, Caspian and DPX were the tolerant varieties against cadmium stress.
