Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Technical and Engineering Research Institute - Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization

2 Professor at the Institute of Agricultural Research and Engineering, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization


The leaf area plays an important role in growth analysis and photosynthesis. Traditionally, leaf area is measured using the regression equation, network counting method, weighing and planimeter method. In this paper, a simple, fast and accurate algorithm is implemented to measure the leaf area using image processing. The image is obtained from the mobile camera and is stored in JPEG format. Then it is converted into Bitmap format in the software. The converted color image is subdivided using the threshold method. Image noise is removed in the area of the leaf and scale using the region color picker technique. The number of pixels in the square object (scale) and the leaf area is calculated and the leaf area is determined by counting the number of pixels and according to the scale. In this research, six different leafy, leafy, clawed and pulled leaves (grapes, plums, walnuts, figs, corn and peppermint) were used and from each plant, the area of 10 leaves was measured. Using the proposed algorithm at 99% confidence level, there were no significant differences with other measurement methods (constant scanner, drawing on paper and using conventional area measurements).


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