Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Iran, Technology Institute


Ammi visnaga Lam. (Umbelliferae family) is one of the valuable indigenous medicinal plants in the country, which contains an active medicinal substance γ-Pyrones (mainly khellin and visnagin) and their most important therapeutic effects are peripheral and coronary vasodilator and bronchodilator and is used in the therapy of asthma and angina pectoris.
In this research first, separation and purification khellin and visnagin from the extract sample were performed by column chromatography and recrystallization. Then they have been identified by thin layer chromatography, melting point and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. A high performance liquid chromatography has also been accomplished for their quantitative determination and degree of purity in the extract.
As the results, isolated compounds from the extract (khellin & visnagin) were identified and verified by the similarity of melting points in the range of 153-155 ͦ C and 142-145 ͦ C respectively, their FTIR spectroscopy data, compared with the standard samples and determination of their Rf values (0.44 and 0.37, respectively). HPLC chromatograms of the extract (khellin & visnagin) displayed sharp, symmetrical peaks with high resolution at retention times of 8.617 and 10.55 min respectively. The mean contents of khellin and visnagin in the extract were 1.114 mg/g and 0.326 mg/g and purity of 90.16% and 79.62% respectively.Therefore, the produced γ-Pyrones (khellin and visnagin) had reasonable yield and high purity, therefore can be used for the pharmaceutical industry of Iran.


Main Subjects

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