Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Guilan

2 Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan


In order to assess zebrafish swimming behaviour and colour preferences, 16 adult zebrafish were used individually using a T-maze model. Behavioural indices such as habituation time in the start box, approaching time to the decision area, the number of crossings and the time spent in each combination of coloured arms (green-red and blue-yellow) were calculated. Habituation time in the start box and approaching time to the decision area were 300 and 120 s, respectively. The results indicated that zebrafish have more crossings to the red arm and preferred red colour rather than green colour. (p < 0.05). But, there was no significant difference for the number of crossings in the blue-yellow combination (P>0.05). Also, the time spent in each combination of coloured arms was not significant (P>0.05). Based on the current results, zebrafish have the ability to discriminate between colours and the T-maze is a valid tool for assessing colour preferences in zebrafish.


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