Document Type : Research Paper


1 Msc student of Agricultural Biotechnology, Payame Noor University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor of Plant Production, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University Gonbad

3 Research Assistant Professor of Crop and Horticultural Science Research Department, Zanjan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Zanjan, Iran.


Identification of quantitative traits loci, especially in stress, is one of the important issues in plant breeding. The present study was conducted to identify molecular markers that have a significant relationship with related traits in rice using ISSR markers and 59 rice genotypes and 21 agronomic traits in the flooding and drought stress conditions. The genotypes were based on ISSR markers in a total of 144 bands with an average of 14.4 bands for each marker, and of 144 bands, 69.17% of the bands were polymorphic. The largest polymorphic information content (PIC) was initiated by ISSR-7 with 0.49 and the ISSR-2, ISSR-8, ISSR-9 and ISSR-10 primers with the lowest PIC of 0.47. The association analysis was performed using population structure matrix with GLM and MLM statistical models using the TASSEL software for 21 variables. The MLM model was able to detect meaningful markers in flooding condition of 96 markers in drought stress conditions and related to 21 traits examined at a probability level of 5%. According to the results of association analysis in flooding conditions, the highest correlation coefficient (in the MLM model) of the ISSR27-2 allele was 29.27% ​​and in the drought stress, the highest correlation coefficient (in the GLM model) was related to the ISSR1-6 allele of 77.7 22 percent. According to the results, it is anticipated that the use of ISSR markers detected in this study, if confirmed and after being confined, is highly confident in the selection breeding programs with the help of the molecular marker.


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