Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc, Agricultural Engineering-Agronomy, Tehran-Iran

2 PhD, Telecommunication Engineering, Shahid Sattari Aerial University, Tehran-Iran

3 PhD, Nanophysics, Imam Ali University, Tehran-Iran


Water, the vital element for survival and its quality and resources are substantial for every country. This study was based to investigate the effect of the magnetic field and Nano filtration on some growing characteristics of tomato such as days to germination, germination percentage, germination rate, height, root length, biomass, dry matter, chlorophyll a, b, total, carotenoids, and the absorption rate of NPK, Fe by the leaves, based on a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replicates was conducted. In this respect, two levels of magnetic field, four levels of Nano filtration and three levels of water circulation were included. Overall, the results indicated that the magnetic field had a positive influence, while the impacts of Nano filter were considerably less. Likewise, it is vital to note that the effect of the magnetic field was significantly higher in interrelationship samples. As a consequence, on the basis of the results, a magnetic water treating device has been manufactured. Overall, with the aim of the device, the required amount of chemical fertilizers would plunge by which their detrimental impacts upon environment could be reduced markedly.


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