Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Iranian Institute of Plant Protection Research, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization

2 Graduated from Payame Noor University


Lepyrodiclis holosteoides is a weed from Caryophyllaceae family that has infested some of wheat and canola fields. The effect of some factors on seed germination of L. holosteoides was studied. Optimal temperature of seed germination was 25/20C. The maximum (80 percent) and minimum (44 percent) seed germination was due to 1 and 15 min scarification with sulphuric acid, respectively. Gibberelin did not affect seed germination. Lepyrodiclis holosteoides germinated only to response to 50 and 100 mM NaCl, and PEG 15.6, 100 gr/100 ml water. The best planting depth was 1 cm. L. holosteoides distribution is more limited to moderate climate and it is not a problematic weed in warm regions.


Main Subjects

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