Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Marine Biology, North Tehran Branch of Islamic Azad University


During the years 2001 – 2002 marine chemical pharmacology research experienced a global phase. In recent years, compounds extracted from marine organisms have shown anti-inflammatory and Anti-Bacterial effects. Pennatulaceas are a particular group of Anthozoa, animals stuck to the bed of water living in all regions of the world usually regions above 6100 meters of tide. To assess inflammation, Gezylin were applied to the ear of mice. Male NMRI mice were categorized into three groups including positive control (dexamethasone15, negative control (saline) and experimental one. The mice of the experimental group were injected with doses of 10 mg/kg,20 mg/kg and 40 mg/ kg of lipid extract of chloroform and hexane as a separate group within the prescribed characters. Statistical analysis was performed on the results which indicated that anti-inflammatory effect of all doses of 10-40 mg/kg are significant to the control group but there was no significant difference to dexamethasone so that chloroform and hexane extracts of sea pen has a strong anti-inflammatory effects even at low doses which is probably due to 54.2% arshidonic acid in the compounds. Anti-bacterial and anti fungul effect of hexan and choloroform extract with disk diffusion method,By examition of ِMIC and MBC detering showed choloroform extract has the best activity against Staphylococcus areus on 125µg/ml doze in MIC method and for MBC in same bactery on 250 µg/ml.   


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