Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sciences and Researches Branch, Islamic Azad University

2 Ghaem-shahr Branch, Islamic Azad University


The sampling of Chlorophyta (green algae) and Cyanobacteria (blue- green algae) were accomplished by Rottener method for 13 months in the lake. The experiment was done in three sites with three replications. All the samples became fixed with 40% formalin and after concentrating, they were surveyed by specified identity keys. The analysis of physical and chemical factors such as temperature, DO, pH, NO3, NH4, TP, TN, EC and total hardness was performed based on standard methods. The results of this experiment indicated the identification of 42 Chlorophyta and 17 Cyanobacteria genera. The most density of green and blue- green algae was seen in October and August , respectively. Also during the test, the most density of Chlorophyta and Cyanobacteria were allocated to genera of Golenkinia and Merismopedia.


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