Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Agriculture, Ramin Agronomy University

2 Department of Botany, Alzahra University


In this work  47quantitative and qualitative anatomical characters of the flag leaves of two subspecies H. murinum L. ssp.glacum Steudel (Tzvelev)and -ssp. leporinum Link (Arcangell)  were studied, characters such as location of the macro hairs and silica cells, shape of the short cells and bulliform and venation type were distinct among the two subspecies. Statistical analyses showed significant differences in 17 quantitative characters such as the number and width of long cells, number, length and width of short cells and stomata. The results of PCA (Principle Component Analysis) showed that the first component indicate %72 of total variation. The number of long cells and number of prickle cells in coastal zone showed the most correlation. H. murinum ssp. glaucum had chromosom number2n=14 and –ssp leporinum had 2n=28 chromosomes. Results showed that polyploidy levels related to characters such as: number and width of long cells, number, length and width of short cells, number and width of long cells, number, length, width and number of rows of  stomata cells, number of macro hairs, width of bulliform cells, number of outer bundle sheath cells in small vascular bundle.


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