Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.SC of Plant Biology, Young Researcher And Elit Club, Boroujerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd, Iran

2 Assistant professor of biology group, Boroujerd Azad University

3 Professor, Department of Biology, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran


Copper is an essential plant micronutrient, required for the protein components of several enzymes. Salicylic acid (SA) or orthohydroxy benzoic acid and other compounds which are belong to this group are plant phenolic that play a major role in regulation of many physiological processes e.g. growth, develoment , ion absorption and germination. In present research effect of different concentration of Copper sulfate (0,0/5,1,1/5 mM) and salicylic acid (5μM) on some physiological activities in two cultivar (Partov and Gohar) of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) was studied, in hydroponic culture. The experiment was based on a completely randomized dosing with four replicates.We found that excess Copper, in both cultivar, cause a decrease in starch content of leaves in these plant. Proline, soluble sugar and Catalas activity enzyme was increased. Salicylic acid alleviated effect of excess Cu in leaves. We found that under cu stress Gohar is more resistant than partov cultivar.


 Alaoui – sosse, B., Genet,p., vinit – Dunand, F., Toussaint, M.L., (2004). Eproh, D and Badot, P.M., Effect of copper ongrowth in cucumber plant (cucumis sativus) and its relationship plant sci, 166, 1213 – 1218.
    Bartels, D. and Sunkar, R., (2005). Drought and Salt tolerance in plants, Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 24, 23-58 .                                                                                                               
     Baskaran, L., Sundaramoorthy, P., Chidambaram, A. L. A. and Sankar Ganesh, K., (2009). Growth and Physiological Activity of Green gram (vigna radiate L.) under effluent stress, Botany Research International, 2(2), 107-114
     Bates, L. S. Waldren, R. P., Teare, I. D., (1973). Rapid Determination of free proline for water-stress studies,  plant and soil, 39, 205-207.
      Belkhadi, A., Hediji, H., Abbes, z., Nouairi, I., Barhoumi, z., zarrouk, M., chaibi, w.and Djebali, w., (2010). Effects of exogenous salicylic acid prc – treatment on cadmium toxicity and leaf lipid content in linum usitissimum L., Envirommental safety, 1-8.
     Chance, B. and Maehly, A.C.,(1995).Assay of catalaseand peroxidase.Methods in Enzymology, 2: 764-777.
     Dubey, R.S., Singh, A.k., (2003). Salinity in duces accumulation of solumle sugars and alters the activity of sugers metabolicing enzgme in rice plant, Biol plant 42:233 – 239.
      Fatih, D., Fatma, O. (2010). Nickel accumulation and itseffect on biomass, protein content and antioxidativeenzymes in roots and leaves of watercress(Nasturtium officinale R. Br.). Journal ofEnvironmental Sciences 22:526–532.
     Gajewska, E., Sklodowska, M., (2007). Effect of Nickelon Rose content and antioxidative enzyme activities in wheat leaves, Biometals, 20(1), 27-36.
      Groppa, M. D., Tomaro, M. L., benarides, M. P., (2007). Polyamines and heavy metal stress: the antioxidant behavior of spermine in cadmium and copper treated wheat leaves, Biometals, 20: 185-195.
       Hendry, G.A.F., Baker, A.j.M. and Ewart, C.F., (1992). copper tolerant and copper sensitive clons of Holcus lantust L,  Act Bot Neer, 271 – 281.   
      Hayat, Q., Hayat, S. H., Irfan, m., Ahmad, A., (2010). Effect of exogenous salicylic acid under Environmental and Exprimental Botany, 68, 14-25.
      Heidari, R., Zare, S. and Norastehnia,A.(2006).Antioxidant response of two   saltstressedbarley varieties in the presence orabsence of exogenous proline. Gen. Appl. PlantPhysiol. 32(3-4): 233-251.
      Karimi, G., Ghorbanli, M., Heidari, H.,Khavarinejad, R. A. and Assareh, M. H.(2005). The effects of NaCl on growth,water relations, osmolytes and ion contentin Kochia prostrate. Biologia Plantarum49(2): 301-304.
      Kavikishor, P. B., Songam, S., Amrutha, R. N., Sri, Laxmi, P., naidu, K. R., Ruo, K. R. S. S., Rao, S., Reddy, K. J., Theriappan, P., Steenivasulu, N.,(2005). Regulation of praline biosynthesis, degradation, uptake and transport in higher plants, its implications in plant growth and abiotic stress tolerance, current Sci, 88(3) 424-438.
       Khatun, S. M., Ali, B., Hahn, E. J., Paek, K., (2008). Copper toxicity in withania somnifera: Growth and antioxidant enzymes responses of in vitro grown plant, Environment and experimental Botany, 64: 279-285.                                                                                       
       Kochert, G., (1987). carbohydrate determination by the phenol sulfuric acid method in Helebus cambrig, press Cambridge.
      Khodary, S. E. A., (2004).Effect of Salicylic acid on the growth photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism in salt stressed maize plants, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 5-8.
       Jose, P. Francisco, M.,(2000).Recent breath roughs in the study of salicylic acid Biossynthesis Plant science, 7, 332-334.
      Meyghati, F., M. Ghorbanli, and B. Asadolahi.(2007).The role of in organic ions andperoline in tolerant two varieties of rape seed (Brassica napus L.) copper stress. Journalof Science Teacher Education. 7(1):74-83. (In Persian).  
      Metwally, A., Finkemeier, I., Georgi, M., and Dietz, K. J., (2003). Salicylic acid Alleviates the cadmium toxicity in Barley seedling, physiology and Biochemistry of plant, 132, 272-281.
     Mittler, R. (2006). Abiotic stress, the fieldenvironment and stress combination. TrendsPlant Science. 11: 15–19
      Mishra, S., Srivastava, S., Tripathi, P. D., (2006). Phytochelatin synthesis and response of antioxidants during cadmium stress in Baccopa monnieri L., J. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 44: 25-31.
        Prakash Verma, J., Singh, V. and Yadav, J., (2011). Effect of copper sulphate on seed Germination, plant Growth and Peroxidase activity of Mung bean (Vigna radiata), International Journal of Botany, 7(2), 200-204.
          Pagter, M., Bragato, C. and Brix, H.. (2005). Tolerance and physiological responses of phragmites australis to water deficit. Aquattic Botany. 81: 285-299.
         Popova L., MaslenkovaL., Yordanova R., Krantev A., Szalai G. and Janda T. (2008). Salicylic acid protects photosynthesis against cadmium toxicity in pea plants. Plant Physiology, 34: 133-148.
       Sanchez, E., Lopez-lefebre, L. R., Garcia, P. C., Rivero R. S., Ruiz, J. M., Romero, L., (2001). Proline metabolism in response to highest nitrogen dosages in green be plants (phaseolus vulgaris L.), plant physiol, 158-593-598.
       Serida, K., Mohammad, B. A., Eun, J. H. and Kee, Y. P. (2008). Copper toxicity in Withania somnifera:Growth and antioxidant enzymes responses of invitro grown plants. Environmental and ExperimentalBotany 64: 279–285.
      Senaranta, T., Touchell, D., Bumm, E. and Dixon, K., (2002). Acetylaslicylic (aspirin) and Salicylic acid induce multiple stress tolerance in bean and tomato plants, plant Growth Regulation, 30, 157-161.                                                                                                          .        
                              Sheng, K.S. , (2007). Effect of copper on the phtosynthesis and oxidative metabolism of Amaranthas tricolor seedling, Agricultural sciencesin china, (10) 1182 – 119.                               
       simaei, M., khavri – Nejad, R.A. Saadatmand, S., Bernard, f., fahimi. H.,(2011).  Effect of sailicglic acid and nitric oxid on antioxidant capacity and proline accumulation in Glycine maxle. Treated with Nacl Salinity, African journal of Agricultare Research, 6 (16), 3775 – 3782.
       Sytar, O., A. Kumar, D. Latowski, P. Kuczynska, K. Strzałka, and  M.N.V Prasad. (2013).Heavymetal-induced oxidative damage, defensereactions, and detoxification mechanisms in plants. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum35(4): 985-999.
       Verma, S. and Dubey, R. S. (2001). Effect of cadmiumon soluble sugars and enzymes of hair metabolism inrice. Biologia Plantarum 1:117-123 .
            Verbruggen, N., and C. Hermans. (2008). Proline accumulation in plants: a review. Amino Acids. 35(4): 753-759.
                  Yadav, S.K.(2010). Heavy metals toxicity in
      Alaoui – sosse, B., Genet,p., vinit – Dunand, F., Toussaint, M.L., (2004). Eproh, D and Badot, P.M., Effect of copper ongrowth in cucumber plant (cucumis sativus) and its relationship plant sci, 166, 1213 – 1218.
    Bartels, D. and Sunkar, R., (2005). Drought and Salt tolerance in plants, Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 24, 23-58 .                                                                                                               
     Baskaran, L., Sundaramoorthy, P., Chidambaram, A. L. A. and Sankar Ganesh, K., (2009). Growth and Physiological Activity of Green gram (vigna radiate L.) under effluent stress, Botany Research International, 2(2), 107-114
     Bates, L. S. Waldren, R. P., Teare, I. D., (1973). Rapid Determination of free proline for water-stress studies,  plant and soil, 39, 205-207.
      Belkhadi, A., Hediji, H., Abbes, z., Nouairi, I., Barhoumi, z., zarrouk, M., chaibi, w.and Djebali, w., (2010). Effects of exogenous salicylic acid prc – treatment on cadmium toxicity and leaf lipid content in linum usitissimum L., Envirommental safety, 1-8.
     Chance, B. and Maehly, A.C.,(1995).Assay of catalaseand peroxidase.Methods in Enzymology, 2: 764-777.
     Dubey, R.S., Singh, A.k., (2003). Salinity in duces accumulation of solumle sugars and alters the activity of sugers metabolicing enzgme in rice plant, Biol plant 42:233 – 239.
      Fatih, D., Fatma, O. (2010). Nickel accumulation and itseffect on biomass, protein content and antioxidativeenzymes in roots and leaves of watercress(Nasturtium officinale R. Br.). Journal ofEnvironmental Sciences 22:526–532.
     Gajewska, E., Sklodowska, M., (2007). Effect of Nickelon Rose content and antioxidative enzyme activities in wheat leaves, Biometals, 20(1), 27-36.
      Groppa, M. D., Tomaro, M. L., benarides, M. P., (2007). Polyamines and heavy metal stress: the antioxidant behavior of spermine in cadmium and copper treated wheat leaves, Biometals, 20: 185-195.
       Hendry, G.A.F., Baker, A.j.M. and Ewart, C.F., (1992). copper tolerant and copper sensitive clons of Holcus lantust L,  Act Bot Neer, 271 – 281.   
      Hayat, Q., Hayat, S. H., Irfan, m., Ahmad, A., (2010). Effect of exogenous salicylic acid under Environmental and Exprimental Botany, 68, 14-25.
      Heidari, R., Zare, S. and Norastehnia,A.(2006).Antioxidant response of two   saltstressedbarley varieties in the presence orabsence of exogenous proline. Gen. Appl. PlantPhysiol. 32(3-4): 233-251.
      Karimi, G., Ghorbanli, M., Heidari, H.,Khavarinejad, R. A. and Assareh, M. H.(2005). The effects of NaCl on growth,water relations, osmolytes and ion contentin Kochia prostrate. Biologia Plantarum49(2): 301-304.
      Kavikishor, P. B., Songam, S., Amrutha, R. N., Sri, Laxmi, P., naidu, K. R., Ruo, K. R. S. S., Rao, S., Reddy, K. J., Theriappan, P., Steenivasulu, N.,(2005). Regulation of praline biosynthesis, degradation, uptake and transport in higher plants, its implications in plant growth and abiotic stress tolerance, current Sci, 88(3) 424-438.
       Khatun, S. M., Ali, B., Hahn, E. J., Paek, K., (2008). Copper toxicity in withania somnifera: Growth and antioxidant enzymes responses of in vitro grown plant, Environment and experimental Botany, 64: 279-285.                                                                                       
       Kochert, G., (1987). carbohydrate determination by the phenol sulfuric acid method in Helebus cambrig, press Cambridge.
      Khodary, S. E. A., (2004).Effect of Salicylic acid on the growth photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism in salt stressed maize plants, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 5-8.
       Jose, P. Francisco, M.,(2000).Recent breath roughs in the study of salicylic acid Biossynthesis Plant science, 7, 332-334.
      Meyghati, F., M. Ghorbanli, and B. Asadolahi.(2007).The role of in organic ions andperoline in tolerant two varieties of rape seed (Brassica napus L.) copper stress. Journalof Science Teacher Education. 7(1):74-83. (In Persian).  
      Metwally, A., Finkemeier, I., Georgi, M., and Dietz, K. J., (2003). Salicylic acid Alleviates the cadmium toxicity in Barley seedling, physiology and Biochemistry of plant, 132, 272-281.
     Mittler, R. (2006). Abiotic stress, the fieldenvironment and stress combination. TrendsPlant Science. 11: 15–19
      Mishra, S., Srivastava, S., Tripathi, P. D., (2006). Phytochelatin synthesis and response of antioxidants during cadmium stress in Baccopa monnieri L., J. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 44: 25-31.
        Prakash Verma, J., Singh, V. and Yadav, J., (2011). Effect of copper sulphate on seed Germination, plant Growth and Peroxidase activity of Mung bean (Vigna radiata), International Journal of Botany, 7(2), 200-204.
          Pagter, M., Bragato, C. and Brix, H.. (2005). Tolerance and physiological responses of phragmites australis to water deficit. Aquattic Botany. 81: 285-299.
         Popova L., MaslenkovaL., Yordanova R., Krantev A., Szalai G. and Janda T. (2008). Salicylic acid protects photosynthesis against cadmium toxicity in pea plants. Plant Physiology, 34: 133-148.
       Sanchez, E., Lopez-lefebre, L. R., Garcia, P. C., Rivero R. S., Ruiz, J. M., Romero, L., (2001). Proline metabolism in response to highest nitrogen dosages in green be plants (phaseolus vulgaris L.), plant physiol, 158-593-598.
       Serida, K., Mohammad, B. A., Eun, J. H. and Kee, Y. P. (2008). Copper toxicity in Withania somnifera:Growth and antioxidant enzymes responses of invitro grown plants. Environmental and ExperimentalBotany 64: 279–285.
      Senaranta, T., Touchell, D., Bumm, E. and Dixon, K., (2002). Acetylaslicylic (aspirin) and Salicylic acid induce multiple stress tolerance in bean and tomato plants, plant Growth Regulation, 30, 157-161.                                                                                                          .        
                              Sheng, K.S. , (2007). Effect of copper on the phtosynthesis and oxidative metabolism of Amaranthas tricolor seedling, Agricultural sciencesin china, (10) 1182 – 119.                               
       simaei, M., khavri – Nejad, R.A. Saadatmand, S., Bernard, f., fahimi. H.,(2011).  Effect of sailicglic acid and nitric oxid on antioxidant capacity and proline accumulation in Glycine maxle. Treated with Nacl Salinity, African journal of Agricultare Research, 6 (16), 3775 – 3782.
       Sytar, O., A. Kumar, D. Latowski, P. Kuczynska, K. Strzałka, and  M.N.V Prasad. (2013).Heavymetal-induced oxidative damage, defensereactions, and detoxification mechanisms in plants. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum35(4): 985-999.
       Verma, S. and Dubey, R. S. (2001). Effect of cadmiumon soluble sugars and enzymes of hair metabolism inrice. Biologia Plantarum 1:117-123 .
            Verbruggen, N., and C. Hermans. (2008). Proline accumulation in plants: a review. Amino Acids. 35(4): 753-759.
                  Yadav, S.K.(2010). Heavy metals toxicity in plants: an overview on the role of        glutathione and phytochelatins in heavy metal stress tolerance of plants. South African Journal of Botany. 76(2): 167-179.                                                                                                                         
plants: an overview on the role of        glutathione and phytochelatins in heavy metal stress tolerance of plants. South African Journal of Botany. 76(2): 167-179.