Document Type : Research Paper



The emergence of drug resistant pathogens indicates
the need to discovery of new antibiotics. In the search for a new antibiotic
producing microorganism, an Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. faecalis strain was isolatedfrom oil
polluted soils near Dezful. One factor at a time was used to find important
variables in antimicrobial compound production and upon its result pH = 9,
temperature 35 ˚C, NH4Cl 0.34%, sodium acetate 2% and K2HPO4
0.02% have greatest effect on production, respectively. Acetate and NH4Cl
concentration, shaker revolution and fermentation time were selected for
optimization by response surface method with central composite design. The best
result achieved by sodium acetate 1.88%, NH4Cl 0.29%, shaker 3 rpm
and fermentation time 6.7 day which had 47% higher production than one factor
at a time method. Results also indicated strong interaction between some



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