Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Alzahra University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Alzahra University

3 M.Sc Student Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Alzahra University


is one of the most important families of Angiosperm which has various edible and medicinal usages. Lycuim genus of this family contains different compounds such as carbohydrates and anti-oxidants. A medicinal species of this genus, L.barbarum, is proposed to have some polysaccharides with anti-cancer properties. This study was carried out to detect and analyze the carbohydrate content of Lycium species grown in Iran and compare it with its medicinal sp., L.barbarum. Amount and quality of soluble sugars, reducing sugars and polysaccharide content of 6 species- L. ruthenicum, L. kopetdaghi, L. depr-essum sub sp. Turcomanicum and sub sp. angustifolium, L. edgworthii, L. shawii, L. makranicum were compared with each other and with L. barbarum. Amongst the studied species, L. markranicum had the highest amount of soluble leaf sugars, reducing sugars and polysaccharide content. The fruit polysaccharide content was highest in L. ruthenicum, and L. edgworthii had the highest soluble sugars and reducing sugar amounts. The studied species had close similarity in their leaf and fruit soluble sugar quality except L. shawii. No difference was seen in the quality of leaf polysaccharide content of the studied species. Fruit polysaccharide content of L. ruthenicum and L. kopetdaghi showed the most similarity with the L. barbarum. The results indicate that the Lycium species grown in Iran have the potential to produce various carbohydrates and are competitive to L. babarum.


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