
1 Faculty of Natural Resources, Urmia University

2 Department of Aquaculture, Artemia Research Institute and Aquatic Animal Sciences, Urmia

3 Master of Science in Golestan Province Sturgeon Sturgeon Reserve Reconstruction Center


Quantitative and qualitative capabilities of biomass production of Artemia in polyethylene tankers with 1.2 m3 diluted Inche salt lake water set at salinity of 60 ppt, and average initial stocking density of 2700 N/Lit. were evaluated during a culture period of 21 days in a batch culture system. A mixed diet including small amount of green algae Dunaliella, baker’s yeast and rice bran (as main food source) were used as food source. At the end of the experiment following results were obtained: an average total length of 8.02 mm, final survival of 25.5 percent, and an average biomass production of 2276 gr/m3. A feed conversion ratio of 0.41 was recorded for rice bran and yeast. Artemia reached a final weight of 3.45 mg at the end of the experiment. In the view point of nutritional value, produced biomass showed a protein content of 37.5 percent, while its fatty acid profile was rich in fatty acids with 18 carbons in their chain
